Sunday, November 6, 2011

Social Networks

Social networking has not been a part of my professional or personal life up to this point.  I recognize that it is a powerful tool for connecting to other professionals all over the world, but it’s going to take some getting used to for me.  I joined Macul Space, Classroom 2.0, and Linkedin. So far.I think that participating in social networks is going to be a big part of my growth as a result of taking this course.  Connecting with others and sharing ideas is an aspect of my career (and life) that could definitely use a little work.  I see these tools fitting into my workflow as a resource where I can bounce ideas around and get new ideas, as well as a way to keep on top of current issues.  

I also think it will help me just to see how others use these networks. I am, admittedly, a little clueless about exactly how everything works, and exactly how I’m going to fit into it all.  My students use social networks all the time.  Watching them, I often feel like I imagine my parents’ generation might have felt watching us using email and the Internet.  Since they caught up, I’m sure I’ll be able to as well.  One thing I’m going to focus on for right now is time management: fitting these networks into my daily life without letting them take over all of my free time.  I need to get smarter about staying in touch with all of these resources in a time-economical way.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right - time management is a huge issue when it comes to social networking. Hours pass by, without you even realizing it. At least that what happens to me every time I'm on Facebook. I love the fact that I post a "tweet" or search out a Twitter hashtag, and 10 experts suddenly appear with helpful information. It's a good thing the GTD lecture followed social networking, isn't it?
